Sunday, December 16, 2012

Canadian Military History ? Friday Roundup: News, Archives, and ...

The Friday Roundup is a weekly feature that offers a look at news,?archive, and worthwhile links around the web on the study?of War and Society. This week`s documentary,?Kony, M23, and the Real Rebels of Congo, investigates one of the most brutal conflicts in recent memory. The war in the Congo is often left uncovered by North American media and academics, partly because of the confusing nature of the fighting. This documentary attempts to untangle the chaos and confusion that is synonymous with the Congo wars and sheds light on who is fighting, for what, and the terrible consequences of this long and brutal war.


?Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch has been recording human rights abuses since 1978 and its archives are a treasure trove of information on numerous conflicts that have raged all over the world. The primary material from interviews, reports, and other files provide incredibly detailed information about the real conditions on the ground of nearly every war and conflict that has been fought in the last 40 years. The wealth of digitized information available is an asset that any researcher on modern conflict should take advantage of.



1812 Exhibit at War Museum Expands Online and as Travelling Exhibitions

The Canadian War Museum?s 1812 exhibit is now up and running online and is also travelling across the country over the next year in an effort to educate more Canadians on the 200 year old conflict.


General Interests Provided by H-Net

Give Us This Day Our Daily Clausewitz

A very interesting blog about military history?s love affair with military theorist, Carl von Clausewitz. The article reigns in the actual history of Clausewitz?s theories, many of whom have argued were not originally conceived by Clausewitz. How much credit should historians give to Clausewitz?s work? Was he, as the author states, an Olympian god standing on the shoulders of Titans?


Documentary of the Week



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