Monday, December 10, 2012

Android revamps in-app purchasing

In-app purchases

The Android developer blog has just unwrapped a nice little present for developers -- Version 3 of in-app purchasing. This is mostly back-end stuff that us civilians might not notice, but that doesn't make them any less important. Here's what's new:

  • Streamlined code. Google says what used to take several hundred lines of code can be done in as few as 50 now. 
  • A more robust architecture.
  • Local caching, so API calls happen faster. That means part of the legwork is being done on your phone, without the need to call into Google Play.
  • And "the ability to consume managed purchases and query for product information."

OK, so that's all good for us, the user, too. Google says Version 3 will work on Android 2.2 and up, which means 90 percent of active devices should be good to go.

Source: Android Developers blog


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