Sunday, November 18, 2012

NBA Top 5 MVP Voting By Year

"; pgt += ""; pgt += ""; if(answers.length > 0) { pgt += ""; } pgt += ""; gamescore = numRight+" out of "+answers.length; pgt += "
Play AgainView StatsChallenge FriendsEmail ItShare results on"; pgt += ""; var timestr = ''; if(numRight == answers.length) { timestr = ' in '+displayTime(origSecs-remainingSecs); } attachtwit = "Got " + numRight + "/" + answers.length + timestr + " playing " + gti + ". "; if (numRight == answers.length) attachtwit += "Try to match me: "; else attachtwit += "Try to top that: "; attachurl = "" + gameurl; pgt += '??'; pgt += "
"; pgt += ""; return pgt; } var showans = true; function toggleshow() { showans = !showans; } var wrongGuesses = Array(); var showNext = true; function displayAnswer(answerSlot, answer, gameOver) { /* If the game is over and either bonus answers are wrong, or the showNext flag has been set to false, we won't display the answer text */ var showAnswer = (gameOver === true && (_spwr || !showNext)) ? false : showans; var theAnswer = (!showAnswer && found.indexOf(answer) == -1) ? "???" : getAnswer(answer).escapeHTML().replace(/\|/g, "/"); $(answerSlot).innerHTML = theAnswer; new Effect.Highlight(answerSlot, {startcolor:'#FFFF33' }); } function showAnswer(answerSlot, answer, gameOver) { var answer_cleanup = null; if(answer >= answers.length) { if ($('name'+answer) && !_spwr) $('name'+answer).show(); $(answerSlot).show(); answer_cleanup = answer; answer = parseInt(answerSlot.replace('slot', '')); } displayAnswer(answerSlot, answer_cleanup ? answer_cleanup : answer, gameOver); } var isHangout = false; function checkGameInput(field) { if(field.value.length>1) { currGuess = field.value.toLowerCase(); var e=''; for(var i=0;i
  • Enter a player (last names acceptable) in the box below
  • Correctly named players will show up below
  • Answers do not have to be guessed in order
  • Source: Basketball Reference
  • SYR- Syracuse Nationals, STL- St. Louis Hawks, PHW- Philadelphia Warriors, FTW- Fort Wayne Pistons, ROC- Rochester Royals, MNL- Minneapolis Lakers, CIN- Cincinnati Royals, SFW- San Francisco Warriors, BAL- Baltimore Bullets, KCO- Kansas City Kings WSB- Washington Bullets, NOJ- New Orleans Jazz, SEA- Seattle Supersonics
  • Also try: NBA 50 Greatest

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